Hi, I’m Tim, Lead Executive Coach at Coaching Technology Group. Coaching Technology Group offers Corporate Leadership Coaching and Career Consulting worldwide from offices in Seattle, San Francisco, and greater Los Angeles to serve leaders and individuals looking for more satisfaction and effectiveness. I believe everyone has the capacity to create a more intentional life than they are currently living. I specialize in career transition, leadership development, and communication coaching for managers and individual contributors. I support my clients with quality coaching and subject matter expertise by phone and virtual coaching through video chat.
I work with clients from many fields and walks of life. As a Technology Career Coach, I am focused on helping you find the right job through essential coaching services: resume targeting, LinkedIn tune-ups, job search tactics, and behavior-based interviewing skill development. Having the materials is only part of the journey. To successfully land a new role, we need to work together as partners through the entire job-seeking process. I help you to figure out what you want to do next by finding the right job titles in the technology industry to match your experience, using tech-centric approaches to hone your resume, sharing proven tactics to get more recruiter engagement, preparing stories for interviews, negotiations, and up-to-date insights into hiring in the tech industry.
I have been in tech and technology-adjacent roles since the early 1990’s. I have watched the progression of information technology unfold, having started my career just before the first web browser was released – in fact, I can thank the World Wide Web for being the catalyst for where I am today. I spent a decade leading an online media team in a Corporate environment, worked as a consultant for Microsoft, been an early employee at three startups, and owned and operated two businesses.
Working With A Professional Coach To Develop Your Skills As A Leader
Having worked with hundreds of clients, it’s clear to me that everyone wants a bit more from life (if we could just figure out how to get it). We want to be more satisfied, have better relationships, have easier conversations, and be clear about our intentions. In our coaching, we look at life through the questions: “What if there is nothing to be fixed? What if your life is exactly what you are committed to it being?”
“How You Are Turning Out Right Now” (the way your life is right now, today) is the sum of everything you are truly committed to, consciously and unconsciously. We work together to listen for, uncover, and get clarity around what you truly care about, as revealed through your actions, choices, and the results that you get.
There is never anything wrong or an action that must be taken – we just find what we find, and you decide if how things are right now works best for you. If something works better, we make a plan around doing that thing, starting when you say you’ll start and doing what you commit to doing.
This approach works well for anyone looking to have a breakthrough in their life. I have used it with clients at major employers at all levels of responsibility, for individuals who are in career transition, both planned and unplanned, and for people who feel “stuck” and don’t know what to do about it.
I am 100% committed to you getting whatever it is you want to have happen.
Click here to book a no-obligation, complimentary discovery call with me.
Visit my coaching topics page for pricing and more details on coaching packages, or take a look at some examples below.
Individualized Leadership and Communication Coaching
We work together to identify and uncover anything keeping you stuck and discover new ways of being at home and work. We look at ways of relating to others, delivering on our commitments (especially to ourselves), and being with people in a positive, productive, and fulfilling way. This coaching is sometimes exploratory and sometimes includes real-life exercises and practices to try new skills in relating to people.
Getting communication coaching can be transformative at work. Many of the issues we encounter are based in how we relate and use our communication skills. We can always improve our communication skills through practice. We even have a simple guide to “Core Communication,” which is a model for having difficult conversations where the emotions might run high. Learning this communication skill can help managers deliver difficult news, and help workers discuss topics like raises and promotions without creating negative feelings.
Career Coaching and Career Transition
Have the changes in tech industry impacted you recently? The massive reduction in tech roles has triggered a career crisis for many. Some professionals have had the advantage of a career transition coach to help them navigate and get back into the job-seeking game and discovered the rules of job-seeking have changed.
If you are currently in a tech role, want to break into tech, or are on a job search, you could use expert support. Our coaching team works with you, the job-seeker, in an individualized program to answer all your practical and tactical questions. Since 2017, we’ve helped several hundred of job seekers get back to work in careers and jobs that suit them—check out some of my testimonials on LinkedIn to read what real clients have said about their results!
What coaching services can you expect? In addition to being invested in your personal success, you’ll get a resume that recruiters and hiring managers love, mastery over LinkedIn, a profile that attracts views, job search tactics that will save you hours of time (and grief), and interview coaching to ace the face-to-face. Using a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) and language-focused approach can ensures your resume is completely compatible with corporate applicant tracking systems and increase your odds of being reviewed by a human being. You’ll get my seven-point update to LinkedIn that speaks directly to professional recruiters and genuinely improves traffic to your profile, as well as get one-on-one interview coaching oriented to you and who you are as a person and job-seeker.
Effective Remote Management Skills
I have worked with dozens of managers leading teams from remote locations. Dropping by a team member’s desk to talk things over or see what they are working on is impossible when managing by Slack, email, video, and conference calls. We address the communication and leadership challenges that come with being in the remote manager role. It’s possible to be an effective remote manager by developing useful mindsets and having a clear point of view that starts with you and carries through to your team.
Leadership Coaching For Individuals
We work together to unlock success everywhere—professionally and personally, in your life, career, relationships, and beyond—with confidence and ease by distinguishing the beliefs that might be limiting you and transforming them through new understandings.
Contract Coaching
As a contracted coach, I work with companies on coaching teams. We team up with clients to create higher job satisfaction, improve overall performance, and get the most out of workplace communication with managers, peers, and reports. I have worked on teams serving major tech companies and major corporations, including Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitch, Meta/Facebook, Cisco, AppDynamics, SweetLabs, MARS, AmEx, VISA, Lyft, Splunk, Edwards Lifesciences, and the U.S. Government. Additionally, I provide coaching to tech accelerator startup founders and their teams nationwide.
Interviews about Job Seeking
I have been interviewed or quoted about job search in Dice, Korn-Ferry Advance, The Seattle Times, and The Muse.

Timothy Thomas, Executive Coach
“Tim made a profound impact on my career. His experience, professionalism, coaching, and guidance are top tier, but what sets Tim apart is the fact that he truly cares. He took time to understand my needs/dreams, then fiercely advocated for them – even when it was not the easy thing to do throughout the process. For that I am forever grateful. I can say without hesitation that Tim’s program was the best investment I ever made in myself. Not only did I land my dream job, I learned a lot, and gained a friend. I heartily endorse his services” – Pat S, Senior Product Manager
Easily schedule a free 20 minute coaching session. All details are confidential.